2G rules in supermarkets: Netto makes clear statement for unvaccinated people

2G rules in supermarkets: Netto makes clear statement for unvaccinated people
  • Jonas Rabo

    FromJonas Rabo

    To draw conclusions

Will unvaccinated people not be able to shop in supermarkets any time soon? After two federal states went ahead with 2G rule in retail, Netto has decided.

Maxhütte-Haidhof – In the first federal states this already applies: 2G rules in retail. In Lower Saxony and Hesse, supermarkets such as Edeka, Aldi or Kaufland can now decide for themselves whether to allow unvaccinated people to enter their branches. The German trade union is seeking to expand the new 2G option model to retail across Germany. It is currently uncertain whether other federal states will follow suit. Discussions are still going on about the right to basic services – politicians and all major grocers are taking precautionary measures.

Hesse’s Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) believes that everyday business transactions will not use the options model. This is confirmed by a member survey of the trade association: for four out of five business companies in Hesse, the 2G model is therefore not an option. Only companies with product categories that need a lot of advice – such as bridal wear and photo shops or opticians – can for the most part only imagine getting people who have been vaccinated in their stores and has been recovered.

2G rules in supermarkets in Germany soon? Lauterbach warns supermarkets will react

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach spoke out against 2G regulation in supermarkets. “Basic food and other basic supplies should be open to all people, including those who have not been vaccinated,” he said Editorial Network Germany. He thinks the ban is “extremely problematic”. However, he advocated 2G in retail, except in supermarkets.

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But what do supermarkets say? Because it depends on them. Meanwhile, almost every major German retail chain has made its point clear. Original term: Will not be present in nationwide 2G meals. Discounters Aldi and Lidl distanced themselves from their branches by boycotting unvaccinated people, as did the Reeve Group stores (Reeve, Penny, Toum Bomark). Kaufland responded quickly with a trend-setting statement, as did its competitor, Edeka. The Düsseldorf company said there would also be no 2G controls at Real, as the rule would require vaccination or recovery of all employees for the rule to apply.

2G rule in Hesse and Lower Saxony: Netto Marken-discount does not participate

Netto, a discount store with the largest branches in Germany, categorically rejected the 2G option. Refers to a company based in Maxhütte-Haddoff in Bavaria. T-Online Its “important role for the local supply of the population.” In all branches of the chain, the “comprehensive and proven sanitation concept” will apply as before – but in accordance with relevant regional ordinances and legal requirements, a spokesperson explained.

Despite references to regional regulations and special features, the spokesperson categorically dismissed the introduction of 2G controls: “This is not an option for us, as we want everyone to be able to shop in our Netto stores.” (already)

RubriklistenBuild: © Cromorange / Imageo

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