3.5 years of construction and seven million euros: Stadtwerke Karlsruhe puts the district heating network in Rheinstetten into operation

3.5 years of construction and seven million euros: Stadtwerke Karlsruhe puts the district heating network in Rheinstetten into operation

The city of Rheinstetten, Netzigentsgesellschaft Rheinstetten (NEG) and Stadtwerke Karlsruhe jointly put the Rheinstetten district heating network into operation last Wednesday. After almost three and a half years of construction, a four-kilometer main line from Karlsruhe Rheinstrandschildlung via Forchheim to New Mitte in Rheinstetten as well as several distribution lines have been completed and the Karlsruhe district heating system has been brought up. Limit.

“It’s an absolute plus for us,” said Sebastian Schremp, Lord Mayor of Renstetten, pleased about the successful connection. “District Heating As a low-emission thermal energy, we are taking another major step towards the energy transition.” In doing so, they aim to make district heating more climate-friendly. Your CO2 saving potential is much greater than with conventional heat energy like heating oil or natural gas.

“The expansion of district heating is the biggest climate protection project in our city”

By using waste heat from the Upper Rhine Mineral Refinery (Miro) alone, CO2 emissions are reduced by more than 100,000 tonnes each year. “The expansion of district heating is the largest climate protection project in our city,” said Gabriel Luczak-Schwarz, the first mayor of Karlsruhe and chairman of the supervisory board of Stadtwerke Karlsruhe, in a press release.

Together for the Energy Transition: Gabriele Luczak-Schwarz, first mayor of Karlsruhe and chairman of the supervisory board of Stadtwerke Karlsruhe, Lord Mayor of Renstetten Sebastian Schremp (second from left) and managing director of Stadtwerke Karlsruhe Michael Homann (right) and Dr.  Olaf Heil (left) puts the Renstetten district heating network into operation.

Together for the Energy Transition: Gabriele Luczak-Schwarz, first mayor of Karlsruhe and chairman of the supervisory board of Stadtwerke Karlsruhe, mayor of Renstetten Sebastian Schremp (second from left) and managing director of Stadtwerke Karlsruhe Michael Homann (right), and Dr. Olaf Heil (left) puts the Renstetten district heating network into operation. | Image: Uli Deck, ARTIS-Photography

“I am more pleased that it is now crossing the border and that we are working together to advance the thermal transition at the regional level. An important, future-oriented project that underlines our good neighborhood and cooperation, ” Luczac-Schwarz continues.

3.5 years of construction – seven million euros in cost

In mid-2018 and after nearly three and a half years of construction work by municipal utilities and their network service, a main line of more than four kilometers with a connected load of 11 MW was constructed.

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