3 Best Exercises for Women Over 50

3 Best Exercises for Women Over 50

3 Best Exercises for Women Over 50

1. jump rope

Hormonal changes associated with menopause and aging increase the risk of heart disease and depression. We can effectively prevent this with the help of sports activities – for example cardio training such as jumping rope. On the one hand, endurance sports train and strengthen the heart and on the other hand, happy hormones are released that lift our spirits. Another advantage: Within 10 minutes you can burn the same number of calories jumping rope as jogging for half an hour. Sports also have a positive effect on your figure.

2. Squats

In addition to endurance sports, you should also do weight training regularly, as this increases bone density. Besides the fact that muscle training strengthens the joints, prevents wear and tear, contributes to good posture and brings the body into shape. It is not in vain that squats are one of the most effective exercises of all – after all, with so-called squats you train your thighs and buttocks exclusively, but also your abs, back and calves. It’s best to do squats two to three times a week, in three sets of 15 sets each.

Also interesting: 5 Squat Tips for Beginners >>

3. Shoulder Press

Also important for women over 50: exercises for the shoulders and arms. Strong core muscles can improve posture and prevent intervertebral disc problems, which often occur in old age. For example, the overhead press is a great way to work the muscles in your shoulders, chest, neck, core and triceps.

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Also Interesting: 3 Best Exercises for Beautiful Shoulders >>

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