3 Tips to Avoid the Yo-Yo Effect

3 Tips to Avoid the Yo-Yo Effect

Are you following a radical diet to lose weight fast? not a good idea. Successfully losing weight requires establishing long-term habits such as adequate exercise and a balanced diet. Otherwise you risk succumbing to the yo-yo effect which will ruin all diet success in no time.

What is the Yo-Yo Effect?

With the so-called yo-yo effect, you gain weight despite dieting or return to your original weight after a while. this effect is common particularly radical dietSo that maximum weight can be reduced in the shortest possible time. If caloric intake is severely reduced over a long period of time, it puts the body in a Emergency stiuation, Following the diet, he then tries to quickly replenish the fat deposits.

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Problem: After a radical diet, the body needs much less energy than before. Anyone who falls into the old eating pattern will quickly regain the lost kilos. therefore unexpected The yo-yo effect may sound like it: There are a number of things you can do to make sure it doesn’t go so far in the first place.

Weight Loss Shake: 3 Tips to Avoid the Yo-Yo Effect

Tip 1: Don’t fall into old habits

Once you have successfully completed your diet and reached your desired weight, the work is certainly not over. To maintain your weight permanently, this means: Throw old patterns overboard and focus on one Balanced and above all, healthy nutrition, Anyone who continues to use bad carbohydrates like white flour after a diet, doesn’t limit their sugar consumption and skips a sports program will notice this on the scales very quickly. Dieting can only work if you really stick with it and are willing to change your habits.

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Second Tip: Count on Protein

When on a diet, proteins are your allies which you should not ignore. Eat enough protein, protein stops you muscles are broken Will. Plus, for example, protein keeps you full longer than carbohydrates. a lot of protein Contained in legumes, nuts, whole grain products, Parmesan or beef.

If you want to lose weight with a weight loss shake, it’s best to focus on a product with a high protein content and low glycemic index (GI). popular products of Almased, Synergy of Natural Ingredients Not only does it help to stay full longer and maintain muscle mass, the body is also supplied with essential amino acids, which additionally promote the training effect. This can also be done within the framework of a scientific Study To be confirmed from 2018. For this purpose, experts from the University of Alberta in Edmonton (Canada) conducted an acid test of Almased.

result: With Almased on their side, study participants burned significantly more calories than the group without Almased. The body can actually be programmed to lose weight. An effect that can also be demonstrated during periods of rest and sleep. Losing weight while sleeping is no longer a fairy tale. And the best? Almased doesn’t neglect indulgence either. Because the product is available in many different flavours. In addition to the original, “almond-vanilla” and “lactose-free” variants are especially popular.

tip: Feather official website You will find out even more about the unique diet concept, exciting and inspiring success stories such as free diet plan,

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Tip 3: Get regular exercise

whether broad Pleasure trip Or regular training sessions. To avoid the yo-yo effect, you should do this during and after the diet. to keep going, Yoga, hiking, biking, swimming. Choose an exercise that you enjoy and that doesn’t make you feel like you have to do an obligatory program. In this way, not only do you maintain a good weight, sports and exercise also make it easier for you to boost your metabolism and thus burn more calories.

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