4 exercises for people with office jobs

4 exercises for people with office jobs

Exercise 2: For the back

Suitable for a strong lower back rudder jack Excellent. All you need is a fitness mat for exercise.

  • Lie face down on the mat. The arms and legs are stretched out, the toes are kept. The gaze is directed down to the floor.
  • Now tighten your upper body and lift your arms and legs in the air at the same time.
  • Stay in this position for about 10 seconds, then lower down. 10 to 15 reps total.

tip: If you want to intensify the exercise, you can extend your arms in the air – this will also boost your shoulders.

Exercise 3: For the bottom

And sitting for a long time does not even get the buttocks. The results are limited pelvic rotation and back pain. And there may also be pain in the knees and ankles. a popular exercise kicks assDue to which your soles and legs also get shape.

  • You’re all around on your fitness mat.
  • Lift one bent leg and slide it upward. The soles of the feet point towards the ceiling.
  • Lower your leg a few inches, then push it back in small movements.
  • Do 15 repetitions per side, then change sides.

Read straight: The best exercises for a firm butt >>

Exercise 4: For the shoulders

Have you ever noticed that you inadvertently pull your shoulders forward while working at a desk? In the long run, this can lead to strain, shortened muscles and poor posture. To prevent this, it helps wall shoulder stretch,

  • Stand sideways against a wall. Make sure you have enough space and that no furniture or pictures are in your way.
  • Turn the hand pointing towards the wall. Place your forearm and hand against the wall – shoulders and elbows should be at the same level.
  • Turn your upper body away from the wall so that you feel a slight stretch in your shoulders.
  • Hold the stretch for about half a minute, then switch sides.
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Tip: While you’re working out, keep your shoulders relaxed by rotating them or consciously pulling them up and down.

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