4 tips beginners should keep in mind

4 tips beginners should keep in mind

Buy a raised bed, install it and plant it – that’s it? Unfortunately it is not that easy. Because before you put the plants in the ground first, there are some things to pay attention to, And when you buy it. But what exactly? We’ve got 4 helpful tips for you that will make it easier for you to get started and harvest later.

Buying a raised bed: 4 tips beginners should keep in mind

1. Content

Be it metal, plastic, wood or stone. Raised beds come in a variety of designs Of course, personal taste plays a major role., But that’s not what he should do. Raised beds made of plastic are practical, but they can also release hazardous substances into the soil. So it’s best to ask yourself the following questions before making a purchase:

  • How long do I need some raised beds?
  • How deeply do I want to tackle this topic?
  • Is a small model enough to get started, or does it need to be a professional tool right away?
  • Where is the raised bed placed?

The most popular materials for a raised bed are wood and stone. The latter makes it indestructible. With good care, such a raised bed made of stone can last for many decades, And, very important: never save on the cost of a wooden raised bed!

2. Underground

In order not to experience any unpleasant surprises, the raised bed should ideally be on the ground. In this way irrigation water and rain water can flow freely and beneficial organisms like earthworms can reach inside. If it isn’t, the raised bed is at risk of rot. If you want to place your raised bed on a sealed floor, remember to leave as little air as possible between the bed and the floor.

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Find out how you can build a raised bed yourself here>>

3. Height

Raised beds are a great solution, especially for avid gardeners with back problems. A height of 80 cm is usually ideal. but beware: Always keep in mind what type of vegetables or flowers you want to plant in the bed when buying, Some plants require more space than others. For carrots to thrive, you should have at least 30 cm of space under them.

4. Location

Think ahead of time about what you want to plant in your raised bed, then find the best possible location for it and figure out what size you need. For example, some plants prefer the sun, while others prefer a shady location. So it is an advantage to know in advance how much space for a raised bed is on the terrace, balcony or in the garden and what exactly needs to be planted in it.

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