5 years of CETA, Foodwatch calls for halting ratification and a new trade agreement with Canada, Gutsell Online, OWL Live

5 years of CETA, Foodwatch calls for halting ratification and a new trade agreement with Canada, Gutsell Online, OWL Live

5 Years of CETA, Foodwatch Calls for Stop Ratification and a New Trade Agreement with Canada

Berlin, September 21, 2022

To mark the 5th anniversary of #CETA, #Foodwatch has called for the ratification of the deal to be halted and to negotiate a new trade deal with Canada instead. So the activists today protested in front of the German Bundestag. #Foodwatch’s Rauna Bindewald explains…

» CETA is out of date and should be stopped! For example, the EU and Canada should not stick to an agreement that gives corporations the power to sue governments over climate protection measures. › Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement‹: What seems harmless and technical is actually a Trojan horse. At first glance, CETA lowers tariffs and encourages trade. In reality, however, trade agreements threaten consumer and environmental protection standards and democratic principles in the European Union. CETA bypasses the European Parliament and national parliaments when it comes to far-reaching decisions such as approving pesticides or genetically modified organisms. MPs should not agree to the CETA agreement, which incapacitates them!«

For the past 5 years, most parts of the EU-Canada trade agreement have been provisionally implemented, although the treaty has not yet been ratified by all EU member states. Even the German Bundestag has yet to approve it.

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