6 tips to cut calories

6 tips to cut calories

2. Chew Well

When we chew food, digestion starts in the mouth. In this process, enzymes are released through saliva, which break down carbohydrates and fats. If you take your time with your meal and chew it thoroughly, you usually eat less. Because after about 15 minutes, the feeling of satiety starts. In addition, the purpose of chewing thoroughly is to release certain hormones in the gut that act as natural appetite suppressants.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Do you know the incident? After a night that was too short, do you feel very hungry the next day? Researchers found that sleep deprivation activates the brain’s reward system, leading to cravings for sweet or fatty foods. For this reason, too little sleep can permanently reduce your weight loss success. How much sleep you need is personal. Most people get it in seven to eight hours.

4. Eat Without Distractions

Do you like to eat your food in front of TV, computer or with mobile in hand? You are not alone – many people seek distraction, entertainment, or distraction while eating. However, there is a risk that the feeling of satiety is less noticeable – or no longer perceived at all. As a result, you often eat beyond your actual appetite and take in too many calories unnecessarily. That’s why we recommend: Enjoy your meal with all your senses, without turning on the TV at the same time.

5. Healthy Breakfast

To satisfy a growing hunger or craving, we like to reach for sweet treats like chocolate and gummy bears. But frequent snacking is a real fattening factor, especially if you resort to high-calorie treats. There are healthy and tasty options, for example, a handful of nuts, fruit or vegetable sticks with the herb quark.

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6. Keep a Food Diary

A chocolate bar here, a piece of cake there in the afternoon and a pizza for dinner – we quickly lose track of what we’ve eaten throughout the day. To expose one or the other calorie trap, it helps to write a food diary. Just write down what you eat every day. Thanks to the diary, you get a very good overview of your eating habits and you can more easily take healthy measures.

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