60 places for beginners at the University of Potsdam: Brandenburg plans university training for vocational school teachers

60 places for beginners at the University of Potsdam: Brandenburg plans university training for vocational school teachers

Potsdam – Brandenburg wants to enter the university education of vocational school teachers. The University of Potsdam plans to create 60 new student spaces each year for the Master of Education in Vocational School Teaching, following a related cabinet decision that the state Chancellor announced in Potsdam on Tuesday, following a related cabinet decision. builds on. degree.

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For this purpose, a total of four new professorships are to be established for technology and vocational pedagogy in vocational training, for vocational pedagogy in educational science and for specialist specialization in the field of information technology. The state parliament now has to deal with this concept. The cost of implementing this concept would be at least 2.9 million euros annually. In addition, there will be a cost for the equipment.

Science Minister Manja Schule (SPD) stressed that Brandenburg needed not only teachers for normal schools, but also “very well trained vocational school teachers”. However, it will not work without additional resources. In addition, there is a need for attractive in-service training opportunities “to attract those already in the teaching profession to the working world”. As per the information, the concept of University Vocational School Teacher Training goes back to the State Parliament resolution of June 2020. (EPD)

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