RTL Dome Show is so real

RTL Dome Show is so real

Antonia Heimer and Patrick Roemer knew each other in the previous “Bauer Such Frau” season and later fell in love. In an interview, the couple now talk about the filming of the Dome show and report how genuine it is.

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Farmer Patrick Roemer Bodensee was in the “Farmer is looking for wife“The 2020 season is the most demanding bachelor and has received a lot of applications, That he also broke a record. In the end, Antonia Hemmer won her heart, even though she had meanwhile left her court – but the two made their love public in the “Great Reunion”. The two are still a couple and now watch filming of the popular RTL format.

“Of course, much is discussed beforehand. The production company comes to you and looks at what can really be achieved on the farmer’s farm concerned,” Patrick Roemer reported in an interview with “Extratip”. But he adds: “But what really happens in the circumstances, we decide ourselves.” From time to time, the editors that came along with the shooting also used to inspire a scene to be even more interesting.

“Now a kiss would be more appropriate”

“Sometimes it is of course the case that they say ‘Hey, talk about that or now a kiss would be more appropriate'”, says Antonia Hemmer, who, however, dome show is really anything about staging Don’t say After all, he is not an actor, Roemer says.

Still, shooting was anything but easy, especially for Hemmer. “I really underestimated the participation,” she explains. Hemmer and two other candidates were invited by Romer to court week, and at a certain point, with tears, decided to leave. “I’m very unstable and very emotional about it, it bothered me a lot. Filming for me was hell on earth. I don’t think it would be anything for girls who have a lot of self-doubt,” she concluded. Removed.

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