“Acquisition of Red Space” begins approximately two weeks after the investigation of the “Ruskaya Protocol”, a mysterious program that has infiltrated AIM synthoids. Protocol chips from hacked AIM technology are probably the key to solving the puzzle, but whoever or whoever is responsible for the “Ruskaya Protocol” has also tampered with the Avengers’ HARM Room. Players now have to find Black Widow with encrypted messages from an old friend who took possession of the HARM room and turned the training facility into a deadly trap. The threats are no longer virtual: players must face lethal attacks and gain control of the HARM room.
Whoever completes any superhero mission of the event will receive valuable in-game resources as a reward as well as a special, animated motto name tag that all heroes can use.
About Marvel Avengers
Marvel’s Avengers offers a truly eclectic feel, combining the single-player story campaign “Merge” with the ongoing Avengers Initiative’s Warzone missions, as well as missions for the Avengers around the world and beyond. Each mission of the “Merge” campaign presents the unique abilities of one or more heroes, while the missions of the Avengers Initiative alone with its AI team or a group of up to four players1 Can be contested – with any hero in his squad.
Marvel’s Avengers story is constantly expanding – there are new stories with new heroes, villains, mission types, territories, objects, and more that are always free to all players who own the base game, such as recent Operation “Kate Bishop – AIM in Sight” and “Hockey – Future Imperfect”. These stories advance the entire Marvel’s Avengers plot into a multi-year arc, and are accessible to an entire roster of all-new mission playable heroes.
Marvel’s Avengers is currently PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | The S is available for Xbox One, PC and Stadia and has been rated by USK for 12 years.
1Internet access required. The online multiplayer requirements of the respective platforms apply.
Related Links
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