A340-600 back in service: Lufthansa is once again flying its longest Airbus

A340-600 back in service: Lufthansa is once again flying its longest Airbus

From Teruel to Germany via Malta: Lufthansa is retrieving its Airbus A340-600. The first of the extra-long four-jets is already flying again – towards the USA.

Lufthansa actually wanted to reactivate the first Airbus A340-600 in January or February. The aircraft, registration D-AIHT, took off in November 2021 from the long-term parking area in Teruel, Spain, to Luca in Malta, where Lufthansa Technik is located. on 17 january then we went to frankfurt,

However, at the largest German airport, the aircraft only completed a test flight on 9 March and resumed scheduled operations on 11 March. Since then, the A340-600 has been flying between Frankfurt and Washington under flight numbers LH418 and LH419. This is a joyous event for many aviation fans, as the A340-600 is the longest Airbus in the German airline’s fleet.

Another A340-600 already in Munich

It is the first of five aircraft that Lufthansa intends to respond to by offering first class again in Munich. airbus The A380s, which also have the highest travel class, have been retired. Boeing 747-8s are all based in Frankfurt and The first Airbus A350 with first class won’t arrive until July 2023,

The reactivated A340-600s have to go first be used from frankfurt, then fly to Munich in the summer. One of the jets is already at the airport in the Bavarian capital. The aircraft with registration D-AIHV took off from Teruel to Malta on 17 January and arrived in Munich on 25 February.

Is Lufthansa moving away from eight seats?

The Airbus A340-600 with registration D-AIHI is currently in Malta, where it was arriving from Teruel on 28 February. Two machines with registration numbers D-AIHU and D-AIHP are still at the Spanish airport.

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Lufthansa has eight seats in first class. The same is the case with the Boeing 747-8 and Airbus A340-600, as was the case with the A380. Seems against it for the A350 Only one row of four mini suites as first class Be planned – but it’s not certain yet.

More A340-600s?

Portal aero It also reported that Lufthansa would revamp three more A340-600s, for a total of eight. However, a Lufthansa spokeswoman told Aerotelegraph late on Monday (14 March) that this was not true. We are considering and investigating, but the details are not yet certain. Lufthansa is currently reactivating a sixth A340-600, but is sending the jet “directly back to the parking lot in Germany”.

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