on the occasion of Ace Attorney’s 20th AnniversaryWhich is being duly celebrated from Autumn 2021, will be released in the autumn of this year by Lessed Records Vinyl album based on the Ace Attorney series, Are included Over 100 Remastered Songs From all the main installments in the series – from the first Ace Attorney installment in 2001 to the sixth installment in Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice in 2016:
Capcom Co., Ltd.
cost is included 120 dollars – As of now, limited music collector’s items can only be shipped within the North American continent. You can find more information about the product and a list of 121 “Remastered Tracks” here attached website read through.
some matched new artwork Will be featured on vinyl sleeves, drawn by artist UltimateMavericks, who has created several vinyl soundtrack covers in the past. Check out some artwork featuring several popular main characters from the series below:
Capcom Co., Ltd.
Capcom Co., Ltd.
Capcom Co., Ltd.
Capcom Co., Ltd.
You can see more anniversary artwork in January it watch the news.
Are you interested in the Ace Attorney series vinyl soundtrack and how did you like the 20th anniversary artwork?
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