Active Through Autumn: Bike Tours for Families: Our Tips for an Autumn Vacation

Active Through Autumn: Bike Tours for Families: Our Tips for an Autumn Vacation

For autumn holidays we have selected some bike tours in the Augsburg area that are perfect for families.

It is slowly getting colder and the hours of sunshine are getting shorter. But before the bike is put into hibernation and the skis are taken out, the bike still needs to be used for one touring or another. We have selected for you the most beautiful routes Augsburg and environment.

Perfect for Autumn: Bike trips with family through Wellenberg and into Anhauser Tal.

Photo: Michael Hochgemuth (Collection)

  • NS cycling tour Wellenberg and ins. Through Anhauser clap Journey to the “Wild West”. Riding a bike path is a natural experience for cyclists small and large.

Bike tour through Wellenberg and into the Anhauser Valley: to springs, ponds and streams

On a bike tour through Augsburg you cycle on short bike paths.

Photo: Michael Hochgemuth (Collection)

  • NS cycling tour for family Performs on short bike paths Augsburg Wild horses, otters and deer.

Bike Tour Through Augsburg: On the Prowl

On a bike tour around Augsburg you’ll pass the old school at Sibenbrunn.

Photo: Silvio Viszengrad (archive)

  • In cycling tour a Augsburg in the neighborhood You can take a family flat family tour to the lakes south of town. Guldars hunt there, snakes live on the shore.

Bike Tour Around Augsburg: Bath Tour to the Pearls of Lecho

  • gravel bench, picnic blanket and fresh apple pie NS cycling tour From Persian Feather vertach Together A relaxing treat for families. You will find beautiful bike paths along the river.
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There are scenic bike paths along the Wertach on the bike tour from Pfersee.

Photo: Dieter Gilson (Collection)

Bike Tour from Puffersee with Vertacho

Point of attraction on tour around Aichach: The Sissy Castle in Untervitelsbach.

Photo: Michael Hochgemuth (Collection)

  • Feather cycling tour Everywhere achacho The wealth of the Wittelsbach family and other aristocratic families can be seen. There are also some beer gardens on the cycle path through Unterwittelsbach and Oberwittelsbach.

Bike tour through Each and Wittelsbacher Land: on the Schlossalli

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