Adagio Medical Reports 85% Atrial Fibrillation Freedom After 12 Months…

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04.08.2021 – 05:34

Adagio Medical, Inc.

Laguna Hills, California (ots/PRNewswire)

Adagio Medical, Inc., a leading innovator in catheter ablation techniques for atrial fibrillation (AF) and ventricular tachycardia (VT), announced the results of its prospective multicenter Cryocure-2 Ultra-Low Temperature Cryoablation (ULTC) in 2021 at the Heart Rhythm Society. annual meeting) is known in patients with atrial fibrillation. Phenomenal clinical trial presentation Dr. Tom de Potter, MD, Associate Director, Cardiovascular Center Department of Cardiology, Electrophysiology Section, Cardiovascular Center OLV Hospital, Aalst, Belgium, conducted on behalf of the Cryocure-2 investigators. The study enrolled 79 patients, 45 of whom had persistent atrial fibrillation with a median duration of more than three (3) years from initial diagnosis. At 12 months, atrial fibrillation independence from a single procedure was 82%, with a complication rate of 1.5% using newer generations of ULTC technology. In patients with persistent atrial fibrillation, AF-independence was 85%.

“We are pleased to see that complete ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation performed in an EP lab by an electrophysiologist using only a catheter has better outcomes than more logistically complex procedures,” said Dr. D Potter.

“The CE-marked ICLASTM cryoablation system is commercially available in Europe and is also part of an ongoing FDA IDE study (NCT#04061603) in the US,” said Olav Bergheim, president and CEO of Adagio Medical. “ULTC is a platform technology that serves as the foundation of Adagio’s broad product portfolio. We recently announced the launch of studies in patients with monomorphic VT and actively use pulsed field cryoablation (PFCA), ULTC and Pulsed Field Ablation (PFA) technologies are pursuing. United.”

“There is a unique physical synergy between ultra-low temperature cryoablation and pulsed field ablation,” said Dr. Atul Verma, MD, FRCPC, director of arrhythmias at Southlake Regional Health Center in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, and associate professor at the University of Toronto. “Adagio’s technology enables these two modalities to be combined with a single catheter and console system. At this HRS meeting, we reported preliminary preclinical data suggesting that PFCAs may be superior to conventional PFAs. Compared to what can be done without the generation of microbubbles or skeletal muscle contractions, even at remarkably high energy levels, Adagio’s approach protects and maintains ongoing PFA development. can further improve effectiveness.

Adagio’s PFCA system is currently under development and is expected to be tested in an initial human trial later this year.

About Adagio Medical

Adagio Medical, Inc. ( is a privately held company based in Laguna Hills, California that develops innovative cryoablation techniques that manufacture continuous, linear, transmural lesions for the treatment of arrhythmias, including paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and ventricular tachycardia Huh. Adagio Medical, Inc. is a Fjord Ventures portfolio company.

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Original Content By: Adagio Medical, Inc., Posted by News

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