Adoption plan for Melanie – Prince Frederic now holding Mueller people

Adoption plan for Melanie - Prince Frederic now holding Mueller people

From Jungle Queen to Adopted Princess!

Melanie Müller (33) wants to be princess Melanie von Anhalt Bild learns: Prince Frederic von Anhalt (78) to adopt winner of TV formats like “I’m a Star” (2014) or “Celebrity Big Brother” (2021) is planned. ,

Mueller’s management was confirmed upon BILD request.

So the details should be negotiated over an appointment with von Anhalt and his lawyer on Saturday.

The reality TV star will be Frederick’s first adopted daughter – who has accepted six sons so far. Thus Müller may be entitled to Hollywood diva Zsa Zsa Gabor’s fortune of 60 million euros (†99, married to Frederick for 30 years).

Hollywood icon Zsa Zsa Gabor (†99) left a $60 million fortune to her husband Prince Friedrich von Anhalt (78) that is managed in a foundation

Hollywood icon Zsa Zsa Gabor (†99) left a $60 million fortune to her husband Prince Friedrich von Anhalt (78) that is managed in a foundationPhoto: PeoplePicture

Mueller has been in Los Angeles since the beginning of the week and first met Frederick’s adopted son Marcus (55), who made contact. The two know each other from the shooting of the Sat.1 show “Celebrities Under Palm Trees” in early 2020.

Entrepreneur and brothel operator Marcus Eberhart became Prince Marcus of Anhalt in 2006.  he now lives in dubai

Entrepreneur and brothel operator Marcus Eberhart became Prince Marcus of Anhalt in 2006. he now lives in dubaiPhoto: People

Alexander Prince of Anhalt (49) was adopted in 2009.  Entrepreneur NRW.  Runs several swinger clubs in

Alexander Prince of Anhalt (49) was adopted in 2009. Entrepreneur NRW. Runs several swinger clubs inPhoto: Private

Prince Frederick told Bild on Friday: “I met Melanie, she’s a very sweet girl. I can imagine it very well. Now we’re checking the last important details.”

Most recently, in December, he recognized football player Kevin Feucht (27) as an adopted son and granted him inheritance rights.

Frederick adopted Augsburg footballer Kevin Feucht (27) in December.

Frederick adopted Augsburg footballer Kevin Feucht (27) in December.Photo: peoplepictures/compub

He denied rumors that he wanted to reverse this adoption.

Recently, Rajkumar was on US TV looking for an adopted son. However, the Adults Adopting Adults show was canceled after three episodes.

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