Afghanistan: heavily armed Taliban fighters on paddle boat excursion – Politics Abroad

Afghanistan: heavily armed Taliban fighters on paddle boat excursion - Politics Abroad

While their murderous fighters kill, torture or imprison populations in other parts of the country, a select few are recovering TalibanTerrorists in an Afghan National Park. These are the bizarre images that have now appeared on social networks.

British journalist Jake Hanrahan published the material on Twitter over the weekend and wrote: “Taliban in Bamyan province. These pictures are real.”

Unreal: The photos show fighters on several pedal boats in the shape of a swan. In this you travel to one of the lakes of the former tourist area. But even in their “free time” the new rulers in Afghanistan do not want to do without their weapons.

One of the photographs shows at least two fighters with Kalashnikov, the other also holding a rocket launcher in the air.

One of the fighters took the rocket launcher on board

One of the fighters took the rocket launcher on boardPhoto: Twitter/Jake_Hanrahan

The paradox is hardly overblown: On the one hand, Islamists behave like little children on vacation on the crystal-clear lake in Bamayan. On the other hand, terrorists are putting the real face of the new regime on the backburner.

Around the same time, Islamists flogged a man in the capital Kabul after he was chained to a metal device – one video showed the man screaming in pain, falling down. Man’s crime: He allegedly stole a cell phone, reports journalist Suleiman Hakimi.

The Taliban have repeatedly said in the past that they will judge Sharia according to their interpretation of Islamic law. It provides harsh corporal punishment such as whipping, but also amputation and stone-pelting.

As a rule, these punishments are carried out in public to further humiliate the victim and to entertain and deter spectators: as punishment is not primarily a perverted form of “fighting crime”, but rather its The aim is to prevent the population from protesting. Islamist – regime for rebellion.

Another measure that could have been expected: Over the weekend, the Taliban abolished the women’s ministry. Earlier women had almost completely disappeared from public life.

The Women’s Ministry of Women said they had been sent home for weeks. The gate of Mantralaya Bhawan was finally closed on Thursday.

The women’s ministry was changed to “the ministry of prayer and orientation and the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice”. This so-called “Ministry of Virtue” was responsible for the implementation of the most brutal punishments during the Taliban’s first regime (1996–2001).

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