Afghanistan: Taliban hangs those killed on cranes – Foreign Policy

Afghanistan: Taliban hangs those killed on cranes - Foreign Policy

Frightening pictures surfaced once again Taliban’s Violent Rule.

Afghanistan’s new rulers on Saturday hung a man killed earlier on a crane – and placed him on public display in the central square of the western Afghan city of Herat.

Afghan broadcaster Ariana News reported that three other dead, who were accused of being held hostage, were also publicly hung in other parts of the city as a deterrent.

The names of the crimes allegedly committed by them are placed around the necks of the dead.

On Friday, Taliban co-founder Mullah Nooruddin Turabi announced the return of extreme punishment such as amputation of arms and legs and hanging.

Basis for Medieval Methods: The Taliban’s Interpretation of Islamic Law, Sharia.

Until now, Turabi, responsible for prisons in Afghanistan, has left it open whether punishments should be public, as was the case in the 1990s.

In the 1990s, the Taliban used the Olympic Stadium in Kabul to hold public executions in front of hundreds of male spectators.

Over the past few weeks, Taliban fighters have repeatedly carried out public punishments, such as showing thieves with their hands tied and humiliated.

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