After 15 months there is still no room for a monastery project in Greifswaldo

After 15 months there is still no room for a monastery project in Greifswaldo

The Pomeranian Monastery Book Project was finally launched in October 2020. “So far, the work has been very successful,” says the director, Professor of Kiel History, Oliver Auge. The monastic books of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg were built on Treve.

But an important point has stuck for more than a year. “At the request of one of the donors, the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, we wish to establish a branch in the Greifswald state archive. We were promised a furnished room in the building of Nexoplatz, ”says the medieval historian. This essential file should enable study. Greifswald is the central location for research on history and the management of research activities and data on archive catalogues. But the Greifswald State Archives currently has no academic staff. It has been heavily criticized over the years by the local historians’ association Has been.

So far, all attempts to find a branch have failed, with the university also in the form of a replacement. Time is Running Out. On January 22, employee Robert Harlus is to begin collection studies in Greifswald. “There is hope now,” says a happy eye. State archive director Martin Schabel told them that they had completed the draft of the user agreement.

Important sources put online

“Our work has gone very well so far,” insists Auge. This also applies to the transcription and digitization of 34 regesta volumes by Hermann Hoogweg on documents from monastic and charitable institutions in Pomerania from the 1920s. “This task was successfully completed in November.” The result is online. The collaboration with Dirk Alvermann from the University Archives Greifswald and Pavel Gut from the State Archives Stetin was great. The project team is also being appreciated.

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The website related to the project is to be submitted in February. From 11 to 13 May 2023, an interdisciplinary, international conference “Monasteries in Pomerania – Status and Research Perspectives” with 15 expert lectures is scheduled to take place at the Krupp-Kölleg in Greifswald. The speakers work on the Math book. There are plans to visit Stettin (Szczecin), Kolbitz (Kolbacz) and Stolpe. In addition, a richly illustrated, cultural tourism guide is to be published next year, to be published in 2023.

by Eckhard Oberdorfer

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