After a stingy gift: Netz collects MEGA money for Burger King employees

After a stingy gift: Netz collects MEGA money for Burger King employees

The stingy gift for a Burger King employee attracted people around the world, including 1.5 million BILD readers alone.

As a “thank you” for serving 27 years without a day off, Kevin Ford (54) received a bag, Inside: A movie ticket, a box of chocolates, a Starbucks mug, a key holder plus tag, two pens, and two boxes of candy.

So far, so stingy.

While it was still unclear on Friday whether the goods came from coworkers or their employer, the 54-year-old has now made it clear that Burger King actually put the gifts together.

Many users on the social network were outraged that Fries Krauss (worldwide sales in 2021: over $1.8 billion) was so stingy.

One user wrote, “The man worked for Burger King for 27 years and never got a $27 gift.” Another user wrote on Instagram, “He deserves his branch!”

Kevin Ford has won the hearts of millions around the world with his humility

Kevin Ford has won the hearts of millions around the world with his humilityPhoto: GoFundMe

Now the network has made mobile and collected for Ami. How else!

Serina Ford started a GoFundMe campaign for her father. In a very short time, $90,000 was raised, which is approximately 85,000 euros. A lot of money for a man who might have had to save a lot for this amount. The 54-year-old wants to use coal to meet his grandchildren.

Many of the nearly 3,000 donors used their grants to say a few personal words to Kevin Ford. “God bless you, Kevin. Enjoy the time with your family and maintain your friendship,” writes one mentor. Another commented on Ford’s humility and diligence: “You are an inspiration.”

Yep, the candies were in a bag of shame, too.  Large packs of candy cost a little over two dollars in the US.  There was only enough for two small packs at Burger King...

Yep, the candies were in a bag of shame, too. Large packs of candy cost a little over two dollars in the US. There was only enough for two small packs at Burger King…Photo: Tiktok

Whether the Burger King employee was genuinely happy with small talk about his 27-year-old (“Loyalty Pays”) or wanted to make fun of his employer in the clip that went viral is not entirely clear. Is.

Speaking to TMZ, the 54-year-old said, “I’m grateful for everything I’m getting.” However, he was a little disappointed because the gifts were “things like they were lying around and put together quickly.”

Go to the GoFundMe campaign for Kevin Ford here,

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