Cap Nathalie Volkow (24) still in touch with his ex East, The former left in October Germany’s Next Topmodel-The candidate announces that he is no longer with his loved one. The separation came as a surprise to many fans, especially as the couple got engaged only in September. To love-off The model also left her adopted Turkey home – and moved back to New York. but how are you Nathalie And Taimur meanwhile for each other?
in your instagramStory, the 24-year-old hosted a Q&A. Of course, some fans were very interested in whether she still had anything to do with her ex-fiancé. nathalis The answer to this question is hardly clear. “I wish her the best, but she’s not my problem anymore”she explains. But it doesn’t bother the beauty too much. She said that she is enjoying the time very much right now.
However, no new man seems to be on her side yet. Another follower wanted from the east Jungle Camp-Candidates know whether they are currently unmarried. “Yeah, it’s funny”Explained Nathalie After that. What she really enjoyed about it, however, did not reveal the brunette.
Instagram / mirandadigrande
Instagram / mirandadigrande
Instagram / mirandadigrande
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