After the Bolenhut criticism: Black Forest village invites Kathy Hummels | regional

After the Bolenhut criticism: Black Forest village invites Kathy Hummels |  regional

Evaluation TV presenter Kathy Hummels (34) photographed Engelhorn in a cool black and white look with a Black Forest Bollenhut. There was criticism on Instagram about the fashion photos. But a Black Forest mayor now protects them and invites them in too!

Criticism of the photographs refers to the fact that Hammel wears a bollenhut with modern clothing. One user: “Bolenhat belongs to the costume, sorry!” The mayor of the Black Forest sees it differently.

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Bollenhut has his own home in Gutach: according to “Schwarzwalder Böte”, Mayor Siegfried Eckert (67) has now invited the moderators to his community by letter and adds: “Cheap Bollenhuts from China are also imported and sold in the Black Forest.” And onwards: “It’s also a good ad for the Black Forest – and it’s free, too.”

Kathy Hummels tells Bild: “Fashion has always been my medicine, I can still glow with it even if I’m having a bad day. I’d love to learn more about Bollenhut’s tradition and its context in fashion with the mayor Would be happy to explain.

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