After the theft, a love drama follows! Earlier this year, thieves broke into the house where silva gonzalez (42) and her fiancée stephanie shanzeleh lived with his three children and stole precious jewellery. hot banditoz-Star and his partner wanted immediately new shared residence Search – but now they go their separate ways: Silva and stephanie are separated!
In imageIn the interview, the 42-year-old reported his broken family happiness and criticized his ex-girlfriend: “Stephanie ran to her parents in Cologne with our three children soon after the break-in and left me alone ” The police reportedly told him that he could get along with the thieves. “Absolutely crap! He took my kids away from me, I’m not allowed to see the kids for eight weeks. Our relationship is over!”former angry Jungle Camp– Present.
is actually stephanie part of the band hot banditoz – but now I want silva Throw him out of the musical group. “is through me stephanie Just got to know! I gave him three children. I don’t understand how she could do that to me.”The singer shouted.
Instagram / silvagonzalez_hotbanditoz
Instagram / silvagonzalez_hotbanditoz
Instagram / StephanieShanzeleh
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