RTL continues its hold Jungle Camp– Planning Firm! In October, the station surprised Bush Show fans that the upcoming season would not take place in Australia. Instead, new jungle VIPs should be around Harald Glueckler (56) and Lucas Cordalis (54) in January in South Africa Take me to a camp. Due to current developments in health conditions, however, it is precisely this location option that is subject to not a good star, There have also been rumors of cancellations – but RTL has now cleared everything up!
RTL– Head of Entertainment Marcus Kuttner said in a statement: “We continue to plan with Jungle Camp 2022 in South Africa But of course we take very seriously the ever-changing circumstances due to pandemic and have developed proper sanitation concept. “At site, the entire team – both allies from Germany and the South African contingent – will live and work in complete isolation.
While so far only fashion gurus Harald Glueckler, katzenberger-Husband Lucas Cordalis And Bachelorette-ulknudel Philip Pavlovich (27) have been confirmed as candidates for 2022, the rest will be on diligently speculating in advance, Among other things, pre-GZSZ-Star Eric Stehfest (32), #coupleschallenge-be hen Kristin Queenie or planks-the former janina yusufian (39) Served as additional campers.
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