Against the costly wave: 5 products that instantly slash your power consumption

Against the costly wave: 5 products that instantly slash your power consumption

Chargers for mobile phones, tablets or laptops are power guzzlers when permanently plugged into sockets. Tom Raulian, project manager for Energy Efficiency Dialog in Dena, explains: “Your power consumption can be judged, among other things, by the fact that they get hot. It is recommended here to constantly pull the plug or Multiple sockets use an on/off switch.”

You can also connect electronic devices that you use only for a few hours a day and that otherwise consume a lot of power in standby mode with an on/off switch to multiple sockets or socket strips. These include TV receivers, soundbars, coffee machines with integrated clock displays, microwaves and stereo systems.

A television in standby mode incurs electricity costs of more than 35 euros per year. For a stereo system, that’s a cool 40 euros. A DVB-T receiver also costs a good 30 euros a year. So with these three electrical appliances, you already spend over 100 euros per year.

acquisition costs? A multi-socket on/off switch costs between ten and 30 euros at retail. you can get offers Here either Here,

It’s even cheaper if you buy socket strips with switches locally from discounters Teddy, KIK, Thomas Phillips or Action. There is a 6-bar with a switch for less than ten euros.

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