Aggressive couple travel with fake vaccination certificates

Aggressive couple travel with fake vaccination certificates

Federal police caught a couple near Rosenheim with forged vaccination certificates. Several discrepancies indicated that the two documents were not authentic.

On Autobahn 93 near Rosenheim, a couple were uncovered with forged vaccination passports that recorded a batch of vaccines that had already expired at the time of vaccination. Federal police stopped the car with two Germans at border control on Sunday, as they announced on Monday. The couple will now have to answer for offenses against documents.

The two attracted attention because they behaved aggressively: the driver complained that he was being tested as a German. The authorities then found a forged vaccination passport in the passenger’s handbag.

vaccination records seized

In addition to the already expired batch, there is a vaccination center in saxony was recorded, which is 260 km from the Bavarian habitat of both. Moreover, the entries in both the ID cards were completely identical.

Federal police said that since the woman and man also collected evidence on smartphones, they were confiscated along with the vaccination passports. The couple was then allowed to continue.

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