Airbnb tenant discovers location hidden behind ventilation grilles

Airbnb tenant discovers location hidden behind ventilation grilles

In an unfamiliar dwelling you can have an inexplicable, serene feeling. The fact that TikTok user Keezy celebrated in his Airbnb apartment, however, was a serious reason.

An Airbnb tenant could hardly believe what he found behind the ventilation grill (icon image: Getty Images)

An Airbnb tenant could hardly believe what he found behind the ventilation grill (icon image: Getty Images)

As beautiful and comfortable as the Airbnb concept is in theory, reality sometimes looks different. The existence of websites like “” (translated: Airbnb Hell) proves that the choice of hotels and youth hostels goes wrong every time. A TikTok user story definitely falls into this category, as he had a terrible holiday experience.

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While living in an AirBnB apartment in Richmond, Virginia, he heard noises coming from the direction of the ventilation shaft at night. He felt that he was being watched as described on his TeatTalk video.

What is behind the supposed ventilation grille

The next morning they watched the whole thing up close and found that what they had taken for the ventilation grill was in fact different from the other, hidden room. And suddenly the eagerness to see got a terrible backdrop.

In his video he shows the dark back room. Keezy doesn’t know if people actually hid that night. However, he described the surprise of the apartment owner by quoting the keys when a man stood in front of him – he expected a woman.

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“Be careful outside,” Keezy advises his followers. The 2.8 million TikTok users who have watched the video so far feel a sense of uneasiness that they are doing it. In the comments, several reports have told of other incidents where AirBnB renters found hidden cameras in rooms.

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