“Alarm for Cobra 11”: RTL announces the end of the popular cult series

"Alarm for Cobra 11": RTL announces the end of the popular cult series

Courageous chasing and exploding cars on the Autobahn will soon be over: after a quarter century, RTL has announced the end of the now popular action series “Alarm für Cobra 11”. “For some time last season” should start soon. But: a back door was left open.

It is one of the favorite series of the Germans – and always gives good ratings to the Cologne private broadcaster: “Alarm for Cobra 11”. For over 25 years now, it has been on RTL and related special interest channels such as RTL Nitro. But now the broadcaster has announced: The new season will be “the last for the moment.”

RTL announces the end of “Alarm for Cobra 11” after a new season

An ending has never really been up for debate – the cop series about Detective Chief Inspector Semir Gerkhan, played by Erdogan Atalay (on board since Episode 3), was very successful. Most recently, with Pia Stuttgenstein in the role of Detective Inspector Vicky Risinger, a woman was brought to his side for the first time. The general look of the TV giant also changed and became more modern – just like the topics covered.

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But after the upcoming season “Alarm für Cobra 11”, which is scheduled to start on July 29, it will be over, as RTL recently announced. After eight new episodes, there are currently no more plans, it said. Student: The first three episodes of the new season will be aired one after the other. “TV Spielfilm” writes of it: “It seems likely that the station would like to end its former serial workhorse after 25 years – without much fuss.”

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“Alarm for Cobra 11”: Is There a Sequel?

But is it really over after the new season? Or has RTL left the back door open with “last for now”? When asked by “TV Spielfilm”, the broadcaster announced: “Since the big relaunch, we and ActionConcept have been thinking about how things might go with ‘Alarm for Cobra 11 – The Autobahn Police’. Of course, before we decide on a sequel, we want to know how the audience gets the new episodes.”

The fact is: the series has a huge fan base in Germany. So does RTL just let a test balloon go up to see how viewers will view a possible end to the series? This doesn’t seem out of the question – the broadcaster himself said: “We are (…) convinced that the story of ‘Cobra’ is not over on RTL.” (mick)

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