Aldi & Co. wants to drive change in a big way

Aldi Discounter Filiale
Aldi Discount Store Branch
Symbolic image © istockphoto/jetcityimage

Discounters and supermarkets are clearly taking drastic measures. Customers will feel the innovations directly.

Prices are rising in supermarkets and discounters and it seems they don’t want to stop. And now Aldi & Co. is announcing far-reaching changes, too.

Gas and electricity prices are changing

Supermarkets and discounters also incur higher costs. For the supply of electricity to the shops, several thousand euros are payable per month for each branch. Therefore, shops have to think twice.

One of the reasons why businesses are now forced to undertake harsh austerity is the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Because the prices of electricity and gas continue to rise. This is also affecting the shops. Supermarket and discounter customers should immediately pay attention to the changes resulting from energy-saving measures. They can also have a lasting impact on the shopping experience.

Ukraine is the crisis trigger

The first branches were operated with changes in early September. In this regard, it may also be that some customers in Germany have experienced the first innovations when making a purchase.

energy saving effectively

In the evening it is unusually dark inside and around the branches. The reason for this is that shops no longer turn on outside lights. This is an easy way to save a lot of electricity.

Even the billboards in the parking lot are no longer operational. Both measures should be the first step towards greater energy savings. Well, some changes are not the views of the markets, but decided by the government.

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