Allegations of Racism: Indians Insulted and Evicted in Coffland? , regional

Allegations of Racism: Indians Insulted and Evicted in Coffland?  ,  regional

Magdeburg – Kaufland retail chain wants to investigate a possible racist incident at its Magdeburg branch. Earlier, a video on Twitter created panic.

A 23-second cell phone video is said to show a man and a woman from India being escorted out of a supermarket by a security service worker.

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The woman posted the video on Twitter on Wednesday and said she and her partner were racially abused when they tried to exchange milk. The incident is being told of the branch of Neustadt district of Magdeburg.

Kaufland: “We stand for diversity, tolerance and openness”

The company said in a statement on Thursday: “We were irritated when we read the video. Kaufland is colorful and diverse, which is what really defines us as a team. We stand for diversity, tolerance and openness. We strongly condemn racism and discrimination. We will certainly be working on the developments internally immediately.”

According to Magdeburg police station, an employee of the supermarket filed a criminal complaint on Thursday in connection with the incident that took place on Wednesday evening. It was about the fact that a video of him was published on the internet without his consent, a spokesperson said. Police has started investigation in this matter and is probing it carefully.

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