What do you say Matthias Hohnow (25) for rumors all around Jennifer ReallyThe A round of speculation has started for the last few days: East Berlin – Day-The actress got A case Together Chris broyShe was also filming Battle of reality stars Was found out. Allegedly Jenny should also be the reason for her separation from Chris and Evanthia Benetatou (29) Well expressed myself Jennifers Matze ex on the situation.
I am Promiflash-Interview spoke to the former “Berlin – Day and Night” actor about the relationship with his ex-girlfriend and current rumors about her alleged contact with Chris. “I can’t say anything great about it, except that the news and hate that Jenny is getting is not fair”He clarified.
The mother of a son really has to expose himself to many haters on the net at the moment and it works Not without trace Past that. “I know the truth, yet it is not easy for me to be dragged into the mud like this”She recently explained via instagram. He said some things to the heart.
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