Allergy shock: Mini pretzel destroys American model Chantel Giacalone’s life – news abroad

Allergy shock: Mini pretzel destroys American model Chantel Giacalone's life - news abroad

Chantel Giacalone was a model actress, working in Los Vegas, living in Los Angeles. A young woman, who loved life, dreamed of a place on Sunny’s side, holding small roles in several films, full of hope.

Today Jiaclon (35) is paralyzed and tied to bed. He communicates with the outside world using a specialized computer that analyzes his eye movements. Her parents take care of her, she is fed artificially.

It was biting into a mini pretzel that ruined her life. She lay on top of a frozen yogurt that a friend offered her eight years ago.

What Giacolone Didn’t Know: The pretzels contained peanut butter – and caused an allergic shock.

In a civil lawsuit, her family was given $ 29.5 million on Friday as compensation for pain and suffering. Ambulance caring for Giacolone has to pay first.

Giaclone thriller

Giaclone played in the thriller “Butterfly Effect 3 – The Revelation”Photo: Nettles Morris Law Firm

, ▶ In February 2013, the then 27-year-old was booked for a fashion fair in Las Vegas (US state Nevada), at around 3 in the afternoon she nibbled on yogurt on pretzels and immediately noticed something was wrong. He asked what was there.

Your friend remembers loudly “Las Vegas Review-Journal“In court:” I think peanut butter, ‘I said. He shouted, ‘I’m allergic!’

Everything happened very quickly since then. Giocalone’s throat was uprooted while he was on his way to emergency medics. The woman turned blue and kept repeating the words, according to her acquaintance: “Don’t let me die.” I do not wanna die.”

Paramedics shot his adrenaline. However, only in muscle tissue, not intravenously. Jiaclon Pass Out. His breath stopped. For minutes, oxygen was not supplied to his brain.

She survived. But the brain damage she sustained is so severe that she will need help forever. His mother (59) sleeps next to him every night, testifying during the trial: “I don’t want her to go anywhere else.” I love her and she loves me. “

Her father, 70, said: “When I look into Chantelle’s eyes, she tells me, Dad, don’t leave me.” I’ll get out of here. ‘And then I looked at him and said,’ Darling, don’t be afraid. I will never leave you. ‘”

With the money won in court, Giacolone’s care is to improve, families from Detroit (US state of Michigan) would like to offer him more professional help, among other things.

Dad jack Post process: “It’s still there. He still has feelings and is crying. I’ll see them when I get home – and then we’ll fix everything. “

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