Alphonse Schühbeck: “To Schnapserl”! Live performance after modification request

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shuhbek sings
Alphonse Schuhbek in his most recent appearance in “Teatro”. © Sven Hoppe / DPA

It’s been a tough few weeks for Alphonse Schuhbek. You can watch as star chefs perform on stage at Munich’s “Teatro”.

MUNICH – The performance doesn’t seem easy for him: Alphonse Schühbeck looks very tired as he enters the stage at Munich’s “Teatro” on Thursday evening (November 3) who until recently had also named him, He sings Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” and “Good Times”. But his red eyes suggest that the timing for the 73-year-old is anything but. Especially when he delves into Elvis Presley’s “I Can’t Help Falling in Love,” gloomy in this colorful theater tent. Tears welled up in the eyes of some of the guests. And the jokes of the former star chef, who otherwise knew how to look so jovial, charming, self-confident and sharp-tongued, sometimes seem as tired as his eyes.

Schuhbeck’s Appearance After an Application for Revision: “To Schnappseral” Show Inserts Follow

“I’ll drink two schnapps,” he says after his performance. “The last two weeks haven’t been a hit with me.” Because Schubeck is no longer the immaculately shiny man in a white cooking vest, he is no longer the unreservedly celebrated darling of Munich’s chic crowd, whose restaurants are served by self-respecting people. He is now a convicted felon – albeit not the final one. Shortly before his appearance at the dinner show in colorful tents at the Munich Exhibition Center Schühbeck took the Munich I. Appeal has been filed against the decision of the District Court ofwho a week earlier wanted to send him to prison for three years and two months for tax evasion of more than 2.3 million euros.

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“Alphonse Schubeck stands by his guilt, but wants to be able to decipher the sentence based on the written reasons for the verdict,” his lawyers announced shortly before the deadline – surprising to many process observers. “Whether the written reasons support the decision of the regional court, I will ask my lawyers to withdraw the appeal in case of doubt,” the lawyers quoted Schubeck. “Until then, I will not rest in my efforts to repair the damage as much as possible.”

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This means that Schuhbeck, who had to file for bankruptcy and who has been skipped some television programs Yes, keep working, keep going. “Teatro” Operator Mike Gipsey Says Opposite image: “He makes his presence with us free of charge. It’s good for him to distract himself at work and through contact with people.” Depending on the outcome of the appeal, Schubeck would now greet guests and sing every evening until the beginning of his prison sentence.

Hit star Marianne Hartl says, “We’ve been friends for five decades and we’ll be like that.” Simone Ballack says, “Everybody fucks up.” “And it’s a little more bullshit now.” She still wanted to support him that evening, when Schubeck himself was due to appear later. “He’s still Alphonse on a human level.” There’s still a large poster outside the “Teatro” tent with Schubeck smiling in a pristine white chef’s jacket. It has “Show Must Go On” written on it. (that/dpa)

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