Amazon lost $5 billion from Alexa

Amazon lost $5 billion from Alexa
amazon needs to be saved

The tech conglomerate is also examining businesses around its smart speaker and language assistant Alexa.

(Photo: DPA)

New York, Düsseldorf These three commands torment Amazon: Alexa, set an alarm for 30 minutes, Alexa, play music, Alexa, turn on the lights. As per various surveys on knowledge platform like Quora, these are by far the most frequently asked requests that users make from smart speakers Amazon echo. Problem: Amazon wanted another customer inquiry.

The world’s largest online retailer is actually looking to use Alexa to collect information to be able to engage with customers more closely, sell them products or more accurately place ads. Five years ago, Amazon projected to turn a $5 loss per device into a $2 profit by 2028.

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