Andrea Kievel impressed: “ZDF-Fernsgarten” reacts to the flood disaster

Andrea Kievel impressed: "ZDF-Fernsgarten" reacts to the flood disaster

Usually shows with Andrea Kivel are a guarantee of a good mood. But given the dramatic situation in the flooded areas, the presenter was very disappointed on Sunday and announced a change.

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Dozens of places in West Germany have been flooded after heavy rains in the past few days. The water wreaked havoc, killing over 100 people, many still missing. That Sunday lunch time, as always, “ZDF Television Garden“Was aired, which led to earlier discussion on the show’s Facebook page.

While some thought that the show should be canceled due to the dramatic situation, others craved for a few moments of distraction. Fans agreed on one thing: the topic shouldn’t be pushed.

“Now how do you find the right words?”

And the producers of “TV Garden” reacted. “We really wanted to have a big summer party with you today,” congratulated her. Andrea Keewell On Sunday, the audience explained and explained: “Nobody feels like celebrating at this time. My team and I, the audience here is probably the same as you are at home.” Hence the motto would not be “summer party”.

But “how to find the right words now?” The presenter asked into the camera and had to collect himself first. “What really touched me was the incredible desire to help each other. Mandarin, without forms, simply because we’re human. I think if there’s any consolation at the moment, it can be seen that We help each other,” explained Kiwis were deeply moved and showed ways in which viewers in front of the screen could donate and help.

“Strong words, dear Kiwi”

It was difficult for the 56-year-old to find Dhanush in the midst of this sensitive issue and the transition to the usual entertainment program. She wanted to “not only go back to business”, but still try to “deliver a positive atmosphere”, the presenter explained, before finally announcing the first musical act.

Andrea Keiwell was praised by many on social media platforms for her handling of the situation. One Twitter user said, “I have to admit, sternly, dear Kiwi.”

“A truly utterly successful introduction to today’s Kiwi program. She managed the task of striking a balance between the very dramatic events of the flood situation and the consequent redesign of today’s motto of the program”, added another user And he got a lot of approval.

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