Andreas Kenitz has been introduced as the new pastor

Andreas Kenitz has been introduced as the new pastor

Born in July 1985 in Würzburg and raised in Rimpar, pastor Andreas Kenitz knows the mentality of the people of the region since childhood. Now the 36-year-old clergy of the parish community St. Fanziskus in the main valley, together with the parishes of Zell, Margetschöchheim and Erlabrunn, as well as the parish community Communio Sanctorum and St. Laurentius Leinach in the pastoral area of ​​Würzburg north. -West. Before taking office, he exchanged ideas with this editorial team about “God and the world” and about his new challenge. On Sunday, September 19 at 3 p.m., Andreas Kenitz will be presented in his new office at the Communio Sanctorum Parish Church in Leinach.

Question: Because of the phrase “and in every beginning lies a magic”, does Hermann Hesse’s poem “Steps” bring your position to the point?

Pastor Andreas Kenitz: Actually, there’s a lot of new stuff attached to my introduction to the ministry. With the change in my life, my responsibility will shift from the city parish Heilig Geist in Schweinfurt with its nine parishes to the rural parishes in the vicinity of Würzburg. After the distance caused by the pandemic, however, I am mainly looking forward to meeting people again and hopefully having the fastest possible encounter with them.

What does the term “urban space” mean to the people of the respective parishes?

Pastor Kenitz: Behind it are pastoral rooms with new places of faith, in which I join a team of priests and pastors.

So despite all the responsibility, do you see yourself more as a team player? What is your role in this?

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Pastor Kenitz: That’s right. As pastors from two parish communities on the left side of Maine, we are looking for ways in the pastoral room with other priests, full-time and volunteer workers, to help people live out their faith today. Through my presence and personal resources, I want to show people: I am there!

But given your scope of responsibility, will it be difficult to be close to people?

Pastor Kenitz: With three mantels and two Leinachtal parishes, you can’t be everywhere at the same time, of course. But I will remain open to the unknown and to new interests, with impulses to experience with people to support my initiatives.

Do you have any specific strategy for this?

Pastor Kenitz: There’s no master plan for that. That too will be limited. Above all, I have seen many young people who want to live up to their faith – that too in other ways and with and through new media. Our Pope represents this under the term “digital continent”. For my field, I want to set an example of my faith, explain it, set an example and establish relationships with people who want the same thing.

Do you aspire to be your new challenge?

Pastor Kenitz: There is no doubt that the Catholic Church is in a difficult position for a variety of reasons. Here my aim is to positively advertise myself to be a devout Christian. And my wish for my new challenge would be to get the same kind of trust from people as I give them.

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Pastor Andreas Kenitz

andreas kenitz Most recently worked as Parish Vicar in the town parish of Schweinfurt Heilig Geist.

after graduating high school From 2005 he studied theology at the Reimenschneider-Gymnasium in Würzburg in Würzburg and Fribourg, Switzerland. Bishop Friedhelm Hoffmann consecrated him as a priest at the abbey church in Münsterwarzach on 26 May 2012.

then there was kenitzzo Initially as a pastor in the parish community of Oberleichtersbach/Schondra.

2012 He moved to the Knetzgau parish community.

2015 He became the parish vicar in the parish community “Schweinfurt-Zentrum: Heilig Geist? Sankt Kilian? Sankt Michael”. Bishop Hoffmann established the individual parish Schweinfurt on 25 May 2017, corresponding to the former dean’s office in Schweinfurt-Stadt.

Source: eh

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