Angela Merkel apparently complains to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau

Angela Merkel apparently complains to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau

Canada is clearly less affected by Biontech and Pfizer’s delivery problems than Germany. Now Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told how Chancellor Merkel vented her anger at the criticism.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has apparently complained to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about criticism in the German media. At least that’s what Trudeau told Canadian journalists. According to the Prime Minister, Germany is criticized for not progressing as rapidly as Canada did with vaccination. Heads of government spoke in telephone conversations about, among other things, anti-corruption measures in the two countries.

Last week, American company Pfizer announced that vaccines developed with Biotech could not be distributed in Europe as promised for the time being. According to Canadian media reports, delivery problems do not affect Canada.

From February the number of boxes should be above the plan

As it later became known, Germany is closing relatively lightly despite temporarily short deliveries. A slightly higher vaccine is planned for federal states this week, but significantly less next week. This originates from a new delivery schedule from Biontech, which takes into account modifications announced on short notice at a bottling plant.

Beginning in February, however, the number of doses should be above the plan, as announced by the federal Ministry of Health. The reason for this is that instead of five vaccine doses, six can now be taken from one ampoule.

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