Animal Coach: How Dangerous Are the Smallpox Virus for Pets

Animal Coach: How Dangerous Are the Smallpox Virus for Pets

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified the recent monkeypox outbreak as an “emergency of international concern”. Because in the past when the virus was largely confined to Africa, more and more people around the world are now falling ill with mostly mild zoonosis.

“Monkeypox is actually transmitted from rodents to humans or through sexual contact,” says Katharina Reitel, describing the chain of infections. KURIER Animal Coach explains how likely four-legged friends and owners are to be infected and why smallpox is more relevant to the associated smallpox cats in this country.

Monkeypox is currently not a problem for domestic pets.

“It is doubtful whether there is a species in Europe that could be considered a suitable reservoir for monkeypox,” the Federal Research Institute for Animal Health in Germany said recently. Rodents are the natural hosts of the virus, so re-transmission to small domestic animals is possible; Other pet species may also be susceptible. No case study has been done yet. “Only rabbits can be experimentally shown to contract monkeypox,” the German expert says and advises: “As far as possible, pets should be kept out of the immediate vicinity of sick people “

risk of infection

For the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, the focus is on people’s well-being when it comes to the monkeypox virus. The AGES lists the biggest risks of infection coming from pets: bites, secretions, droppings, urine and feces, as well as smallpox and skin crusts that fall off.

In Austria, smallpox occasionally affects free-roaming cats.

“Monkeypox is rarely an issue for our pets. Cowpox, on the other hand, does happen from time to time,” says Zoodoc Reitel. Coordinating Tiergarten Schönbrunnie, Smallpox, like monkeypox, belongs to the orthopoxvirus group. Cats are mainly infected in the country – when they catch infected mice or when they find dead small animals in the grass. There is no therapy; However, medication can reduce pain and swelling. After two weeks, the symptoms subside without any action.

follow hygiene measures

“Transmission of smallpox from cat to human and from cat to dog has been described. In practice, this is extremely rare, ”assures the veterinarian. It is important to follow hygiene measures, and not on their own to doctor’s pustules. for, only to attack open wounds with rubber gloves and to protect immunized people in the same household. The KURIER animal coach concluded: “Whether it is smallpox or monkeypox: when dealing with patients, It’s best to turn on your brain and follow simple hygiene measures to deal with wounds.”

Problems with cats, concerns about dogs, questions about parrots, tortoises, etc.? write to: [email protected]

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