Anime-style 2D survival game now also available for consoles • JPGAMES.DE

Anime-style 2D survival game now also available for consoles • JPGAMES.DE

Publisher Dangen Entertainment and developer Altari Games releasing today lost ruins for console. The 2D survival action game, which is based on the anime, was released for PC in May 2021.

According to lead developer Park Jin-hong, although it looks like a basic platformer, the game does have some special features. So you have to interact with the environment to defeat some opponents. So you too can take advantage of their habitat to attack a boss in the water in non-traditional ways.

through the dark dungeons

As a schoolgirl, you wake up in a dark dungeon with no memory. The magician Beatrice protects you from scary monsters and helps you explore the lost ruins and unravel the secrets there.

You have many weapons like sword, axe, magic and rambunctious. Various spells in particular allow you to incorporate the environment into your fights. However, since brute force doesn’t solve all problems, you should also stock up on protective gear.

An old trailer for Lost Ruins


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Via gematsuArtwork: The Lost Ruins, dangen entertainmentAltari Games

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