Annual salary 77,000 euros: Canadian company looking for candy tasters

Annual salary 77,000 euros: Canadian company looking for candy tasters

Canadian company looking for employees ,

This lovely job earns about 77,000 euros a year

Montreal – A Canadian company is looking for a new employee with a really cute job ad: Meet the BonBan CEO!

that job profile CCO’s (“ chief candy officer“): You must be at least five years old and taste about 3500 sweets per month. For this you deposit an annual salary of 100,000 Canadian dollars (about 77,000 euros). Home office is possible. Bonus: Comprehensive dental insurance !

And here’s the catch: Only people living in North America can apply.

Company spokeswoman Vanessa Jankijewski-Rebello said the company already has three candy tasters. He should now get a boss with “golden taste buds”. In addition to the mandatory candy tests, tasks include approving new products, conducting team meetings, and “it’s fun” everything else.

Of course, job offers from online provider Candy Funhouse spread as fast as candy among those with a sweet tooth…

According to the company, it received 100,000 applications within two weeks. “The majority of applicants were adults, but about 25 percent are still children,” the spokesperson said.

One of them is an eight year old girl from USA. their father Matthew Crooks reported on Twitter that her daughter has created an application profile on the Internet. Addressing the company, she said: “Thank you for helping, that she understands the importance of a good CV – even at the age of eight.” (JBR, AFP)

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