Another attack on an Israeli cargo ship

Another attack on an Israeli cargo ship

There was another attack on an Israeli-owned ship. The cargo was sailing in the Indian Ocean. Israel considers Iran its ally.

Another cargo ship owned by an Israeli businessman was attacked in the Indian Ocean on Saturday. There were no victims, the Israeli daily “Haaretz” reported, citing Israeli security groups. In such a situation, the country suspects that Iran is once again behind the attack. It was reportedly hit by a missile, but no major damage was done. The ship was going from Saudi Arabia to the United Arab Emirates.

According to Israeli broadcaster Channel 12, the cargo “CSAV Tyndall” is said to have carried no Israeli citizens. According to the information service Maritime Traffic, it is sailing under the flag of Liberia and has stopped off the coast of the emirate.

attacks in early spring

Similar attacks on cargo carriers have taken place in February and April as well. Even then, Israeli-owned ships were attacked in the Gulf of Oman. Israel accused Iran both times.

An Iranian cargo ship was also slightly damaged in an explosion in the Red Sea in April. According to the New York Times report, the attack started in Israel. An Iranian nuclear facility was also attacked in April. Tehran blames Israel.

Iran is an enemy of Israel. Israel, on the other hand, has meanwhile established diplomatic relations with two Gulf countries, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain.

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