Anti-Semitic allegation by Gil Ofrim – internal report exonerates hotel staff – BZ Berlin

"From Victim to Criminal" - BZ Berlin

Following anti-Semitic allegations by singer Gil Ofrim, the Leipzig Hotel has completed its internal investigation and does not wish to take any action against the accused employee.

Special lawyers had reconstructed what was happening in the lobby, announced on Wednesday the hotel company Gerberstrasse Betriebs GmbH, operator of “The Westin Leipzig”.

A 118-page report “considering all available evidence” concluded that there were no “objective” indications that would justify criminal or labor law action against the employee.

“Therefore, we have decided that appropriate steps will not be taken against the employee,” it said in a statement. Since the employee is still exposed to large-scale hostilities, he will not perform his duties fully again initially “from the point of view of welfare”.

The singer described in a video in early October that an employee of “The Westin Leipzig” had asked her to remove her necklace with a Star of David. Ofrim complained. He is the son of Israeli musician Abi Ofrim (1937–2018).

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I Gil Ofrim rejected at Leipzig hotel because of Star of David

I Anti-Semitic Incident involving Gil Ofrim – none of the other guests helped

According to the information, the law firm got the guests who were present in the hotel reception at the time of the incident. He conducted interviews with guests, the accused employee, other employees and witnesses. In addition, the Public Prosecutor’s Office had provided access to files relating to the interrogation of witnesses who only wanted to speak to the investigating officers. A specialized expert prepares an expert opinion on video recordings and examines them for possible manipulation.

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The hotel did not want to comment on the allegations. Labor law instructions were issued to all employees not to make any further statements to the media.

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