Anti-Semitic scandal about Gil Ofrim: Witnesses reveal new details of dispute

Anti-Semitic scandal about Gil Ofrim: Witnesses reveal new details of dispute
Witnesses are now at the center of an investigation into the anti-Semitic allegations surrounding Gil Ofrim.  How did you like the views of the hotel lobby?

Witnesses are now at the center of an investigation into the anti-Semitic allegations surrounding Gil Ofrim. How did you like the views of the hotel lobby?

Image: / Jens Crick

Indeed, one must assume that even more details advance the investigation – but not in the case of composer Gil Ofrim. It was at the Leipzig hotel of the chain The Westin about two weeks ago that, according to their own statements, insulted anti-Semitism. Gradually, more and more information is leaked to the public, but new findings mean that the issue of anti-Semitic insults is becoming more and more opaque.

Musician Ofrim walked out of the hotel lobby in horror two weeks ago and then recorded a video for his Instagram channel describing how he was insulted in an anti-Semitic manner by a hotel employee. He’d be asked to remove his Star of David’s appearing on social media videos – and then he could check in. Also, someone is said to have called him “from the corner”: “Pack your star!” Ofrim himself confirmed the anti-Semitic insult in an interview with Watson..

Ofarim finds major solidarity

This was initially followed by a wave of solidarity for the 39-year-old rock musician. Stars And political representatives also publicly commented on the scandal and sided with Ofrim. A real bullshit storm broke out over the Westin. “Never Again Westin” was one of those many comments.

But the criticism turned into confusion shortly after – more and more details emerged and questions were raised. “Did Ofrim lie?” Is one of them a responsible investigative authority and a law firm commissioned by the hotel chain is now settled.

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Law firm prepares final report on Ofrim case

The reason for the public hunt to which Ofrim was later exposed is an excerpt from video of surveillance cameras in the hotel lobby published by “Build”. On top of it – or rather unseen – is Gil Ofrim’s necklace with the Star of David, which led to an alleged anti-Semitic insult at the hotel.

Following anti-Semitic allegations against the hotel chain, the hotel’s operating company issued a press release with the status of the internal investigation. A law firm said in a 118 page report that “that there are no objective indications that would justify taking criminal and/or labor law remedies against the accused employee”.

Who is telling the truth now?

Now, according toTime“Several witnesses” were questioned by the investigating officers and the law firm. The questions examined here are: Are there hotel guests who can support and confirm Gil Ofrim’s accounts? And how do the other hotel staff remember the scene in the lobby? The recordings of surveillance cameras have now been carefully checked again.

“Zeet” knows the exact contents of the investigation report of the law firm Pauka & Link, which was commissioned by the hotel group. Accordingly, it is said that Gil Ofrim’s version of scenes in the hotel lobby was not corroborated by witnesses present in any of the interviews. In addition, video from surveillance cameras shows that Oferim in the hotel lobby was not wearing the Star of David chain — and that he himself behaved inappropriately.

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no talk of a star of david

Pauka & Link claimed in their report that they interviewed everyone involved and also evaluated the video. In addition, he had interrogation protocols from the Leipzig Public Prosecutor’s Office. The law firm also wanted to speak to Gil Ofrim, but the latter categorically declined, as “Zeit” indicates.

According to the law firm, photographs from surveillance cameras showed Ofrim was making wild gestures at the reception. First he probably pointed with his thumb behind him and then with his whole hand. An eyewitness also apparently confirmed this. There was no question of the star either., the witnesses gave according to the “zeit” before the chancellor on record.

Ofarim: “What a lousy hotel is this?”

According to eyewitness testimony, Ofrim had already been abusive. Standing in line, he said to the hotel: “What kind of bad hotel is this?” Witnesses disagreed as to whether he was talking about a “shitty hotel” or a “shitty shop”. He also threatened that, as soon as he was in his room, for a video instagram will record. As the law firm reports, it will “go viral”.

But the question of the series is not yet fully clarified: He apparently wore it in his Instagram video – but it can’t be seen on surveillance camera recordings. The law firm speculates in its report: On a camera recording you see the musician exiting the hotel after turning slightly backwards and moving your right hand to the neck, taking the cell phone out of your pocket with your left hand. You can see the take out. Firm’s Conclusion: This is because Ofrim was pulling his necklace from under his T-shirt at this time. However, the images are very blurry.

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