App Store reviewers reject a third of all apps, but rotten fruits keep slipping

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Apple » App Store reviewers reject a third of all apps, but rotten fruits keep slipping

Apple App Store

The App Store is the focus of the process between Apple and Epic every day. This mega-trial has already provided many, many times quite interesting, insights into Apple’s business practices over the years, while litigation parties have legally classified their interests. One point was how Apple’s App Store review process works.

Apple’s App Store currently has millions of apps. At the same time, it repeatedly makes developers dissatisfied. One reason for this is the review process, during which a decision is made as to whether the app has been added to the App Store or whether an update has been approved.

Excerpts from documents presented during the conversation See Clarify the processes in App Store Review: After that, around 500 employees work in the review team, which decides whether to accept the new app.

These 500 employees will have to see on average about five million apps per year that are submitted by the developers. Approximately 100,000 apps are assessed every week.

A third stays outside

What is surprising is the high rejection rate of new apps: As can be seen from the documents, the team rejected 33% to 35% of new apps between 2017 and 2019 because their developers violated developer guidelines.

recently We reportedThat Apple has still not discovered an effective solution against fake apps. However, this does not mean that no technical support is available to assist the team in the search for rotten fruits. A tool called Mercury, an application called Magellan, and a tool called Columbus automatically check the source code and search for unspecified functions and also perform a type of quality analysis. For example, it is checked whether the apps have more rights according to the documents, or whether they are consuming too much power.

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However, lawyers on the other side said that despite all these quality control measures, the App Store repeatedly had problems with inferior apps or simply fraudsters. As a result, Epic argues, the entire App Store review process is becoming ineffective harassment for developers. Apple pointed to the situation saying that full security can never be attained, and that a protected environment like the App Store is in any case preferable to a re-regulated app economy in terms of user safety .

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