Apple Airpods & Co. Fungal Infection in the Ear: How Dangerous Are In-Ear Headphones?

Apple Airpods & Co.  Fungal Infection in the Ear: How Dangerous Are In-Ear Headphones?

Otomycosis is a fungal infection of the ear. It manifests itself through a swollen, red and painful ear canal. The fungus feels most comfortable in high humidity and high temperature, As gentside. is reported by, Wearing AirPods and other in-ear headphones over and over again can create the perfect environment for fungus to thrive in the ear.

Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Sina Jurabchi A Famous ENT Clinics in South Florida Attention was drawn to this incident with the video on his tiktok account attentive

Danger from in-ear headphones? tiktok video viral

The clips aren’t particularly good to watch, but they went viral nonetheless – and are aimed at encouraging young people in particular to use proper and regular ear hygiene. Because no one wants to have this kind of fungal infection in their ear. To get rid of them, the fungus should be removed by a doctor and the ear should be treated with ear drops.

How does a fungal infection in the ear develop? Portal reportedThat any foreign body in the ear can cause ear canal disease. In addition to headphones, this includes hearing aids or cotton swabs. They push earwax back into the ear canal and the ear can no longer perform its self-cleaning function. It can also result in limited hearing.

But what can I do to prevent this from happening to me in the first place? Joorbchi recommends making a liquid and pouring it into your ears after wearing the headphones for a long time. This makes the environment in the ear unpleasant for the fungus. According to the doctor, it should be one-third water, one-third rubbing alcohol and one-third hydrogen peroxide. It is believed to protect against an unpleasant otomycosis.

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