Armpit Knot: It’s Important Now

Armpit Knot: It's Important Now

What are armpit lumps?

Anyone who finds lumps under the armpits often suspects the worst. As a rule, however, it is not a tumor or a dangerous disease like cancer – but swollen lymph nodes, known in technical jargon as nodus lymphoideus. Lymph nodes in the body are responsible for filtering tissue water, also known as lymphatic fluid. Each person has about 600 to 700 of these lymph nodes, which are hidden not only under the armpits, but throughout the body. For example, lymph nodes can also be found in the neck or groin.

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Causes of swollen lymph nodes

Normally, lymph nodes in the armpit or neck cannot be felt. If there is painful swelling of the lymph nodes, it is usually a sign of a disease. Your immune system is in full swing and your body is fighting an infection or pathogen. Lymph node swelling often occurs in relation to fever and can be caused by the following, among others:

How long does a swollen lymph node last?

A hardened armpit lymph node is not dangerous in most cases, although it can cause pain and may be tender to the touch. Harmless causes like the flu often subside after a few days—which also makes the pressure-sensitive bumps disappear.

The lump under the armpit does not go away – what to do?

If lymph node swelling lasts for more than three weeks, you should go to the doctor, Even if the swollen lump is just under one armpit. This is especially true if you don’t have any other signs of infection, such as fatigue or a sore throat.

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If you continue to develop symptoms such as night sweats, loss of face, or pus from a lymph node, you should take immediate action and as soon as possible One see a doctor, Experts know the difference between a harmless swollen lymph node and a potentially dangerous cause. A doctor can make a reliable diagnosis and start appropriate therapy. Your first point of contact is yours Family doctor,

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