Artwork by local artist Rainer Kaura enriches PC Room in Secondary School plus Renrod

Artwork by local artist Rainer Kaura enriches PC Room in Secondary School plus Renrod

News from 03/18/2021

On the occasion of Rainer Korra’s 80th birthday in 2020, his friends Marilez and Helmut Lang took the initiative and in a public space ?? Asked many friends, acquaintances and supporters of the artist for donations for art installation ?? Asked.

From left to right: Rainer Cora, headmistress Antje Heinrich, Mayor Gerrit Muller. Photo: Kerstin Guttert

Rennerod. Impressive work of art, with part of the money and financial support received from the union? The realschule can be entered into the Rennerod.

One world three dimensional mural with the world ?? In the middle, a data carrier in the form of CD-ROMs, stretched from aluminum frame points such as wires and cables, allows for many possible interpretations and much for students and teachers to talk about. gives. Furthermore, the work suggests that art is not made only from brushes and oil paints, but from everyday materials or even ?? rubbish? Very impressive items can be generated.

Rainer Kaura has made a name for himself beyond the boundaries of the High Westerwall, mainly through the diversity of his art. Mayor Gerrit Müller and headmistress Antje Hentrick are particularly pleased that the work of art in the PC room is accessible to almost all students and teachers, as this room is also used for many different classrooms and emergency care.

Another work of art by Rainer Cora has already found a location in Rainrod: on the main road, near the city administration and post office. On the artist’s website You can also get an idea of ​​the diversity of his work. (PM)

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