As a low income person, you can get heating cost subsidy from Job Center

As a low income person, you can get heating cost subsidy from Job Center

Heating becomes more expensive. This is especially difficult for people who earn enough not to receive Hartz IV. There is a remedy that few people know about.

Germany is facing a costly winter. Heating costs in particular will increase manifold in the coming months as energy prices are going through the roof as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Many people won’t have a hard time until next year — when the heating bill comes in and the high back payments become due. Low income earners in particular are at risk of financial collapse under high costs.

What many people don’t know: Under certain circumstances, low-income employees have a legal right to have their costs covered by the office, like Hartz IV recipients. Anja Peele, a member of the board of directors of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), is now pointing this out. At least for the month in which the landlord requests a refund for heating costs, people with low incomes can receive funding from the Job Center.

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Subsidy for one-time additional payment for heating costs

“This financial help can be an important lifeline and should be used,” said Peel T-Online. “Anyone who gets into trouble through paying extra because of high energy prices shouldn’t be ashamed to go to a job center.”

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