Association wants to reverse approval for Tesla factory >

tesla gigafactory berlin innen montage model-y

The Tesla Gigafactory in Grunheide, near Berlin, is officially operational this week. however after Handover of the first 30 Model Y performances on Tuesday Initially no transportation of electric cars beyond German production was seen on site, but that could be because Tesla wants to wait until the start of the new quarter. But if the two environmental associations have their way, the Gigafactory approval granted in early March will not work.

Unions Require Full Tesla Notification

Green League and Naboo Brandenburg were at odds with the Tesla project from the very beginning. Without lasting success, he took legal action against the first clearing at the Gigafactory site and created suspense until the end by clearing the court to declare illegal the high drainage required for the Tesla factory. Only one Last minute tolerance by the state government This problem can be solved in time for the first delivery.

But as for the unions, their resistance to the Tesla factory in Brandenburg does not end there. after a rbb report As of this Friday, he has now filed an objection to the permit with the responsible state environment agency. A representative for Naboo is quoted as saying that they want to understand the basis on which the Gigafactory permission was granted. He demanded that the notice be served without any correction.

Gigafactory continues to hire lawyers

The state government should be prepared to object – their representatives had emphasized several times during the process that this too takes a long time as the legal work should be clear. In addition to recent decisions on water permits, courts have also, So far the decisions on these issues have always been in Tesla’s favor., If the objection is rejected by the authority, the next trial can be expected. According to the DP party, Tesla’s approval also violates EU law. This may lead to further action. Even after the official opening of the German Tesla factory, it offered a lot of work for lawyers.

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