Audi e-tron electric car to have more range in 2022


Last year became knownAudi’s battery-powered SUV e-tron will be replaced with the new Q8 e-tron model. According to reports, there are plans to change the model in four years. automobile week Now wants to know more about how to proceed with the series.

Introduced in 2019 e-tron Audi’s first series is an electric car. 2020 expanded coupe derivative e-tron sportback Chain. Both models are based on an optimized version of a combustion platform, requiring compromises. Ingolstadt’s new electric cars use pure stromer architecture and notably offer greater efficiency and range as well as a more spacious interior for its class.

The e-tron will likely get an upgrade this year, before being replaced later by a new model developed from the ground up for an alternate drive type. Already 2022 facelift could bring name change to Q8 e-tron, reports automobile week, The current name is causing increasing confusion, as other e-cars of the “e-tron” brand are in addition to the type designation only. The Q4 e-tron is still available as an SUV and SUV coupé as well as the e-tron GT sports sedan. The Q6 e-tron SUV and A6 e-tron sedan will also officially follow soon.

Apart from the name and appearance, Audi is also adopting drive technology. The front and rear design will be based on the compact SUV introduced in 2021 Q4 e-tron Well Adjust. A new battery is to increase the range from the current 441 kms to around 600 kms as per the WLTP standard. The dimensions should remain the same initially. The successor should hold up to the already available Combustion Q8 in 2026 in length, height and width.

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automobile week As per the designated e-tron will expire in 2025. The successor will debut next year, meanwhile Audi is converting the Brussels plant for the new model. The technical base will then be provided by Premium Platform Electric (PPE), developed with Porsche specifically for high-quality and powerful electric cars. It is not clear whether there will be an SUV and SUV coupe version of the Q8 e-tron from 2026 onwards like the current e-tron. The Nitro-Q8 is a crossover made up of an SUV and a coupe, so the electric variant may only be offered in one body variant.

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